A blog to die for
I was having my regular round of web browsing when I found this particular blog and I started to think... what could happen if the neo dictatorship of the Venezuelan regime decides that web content should be filtered, centralized and censored?. Will they go to a blogger house and arrest him? Will they start to control the ISP's and filter the Internet? Will they control who is "eligible" to have internet access?
All of this arises even more when I read that in the 21st. century the Venezuelan government announces the creation of a state operated Telecommunications company aimed to provide fixed telephone and Internet access. Is this the 1st. step of a macro plan to build infrastructure and in the future rule out private owned telecommunications companies by decree? Is this a way to fortify the power and involvement of the state in everyday life?
This is the only logic I find to this initiative. Well I guess I find a second one.
Since the government used a private telecom's network to connect all the voting machines during the last referendum and some evidence is being presented that there was two way communication between the data center and the machines making it very possible to changes in the software and final results. Don't you think it would be easier if you could have control over the whole process and rig an election freely without any private party questioning what kind of data goes through your network?.
What the bloggers in Iran are living is frightening, I hope we all learn from their experiences.
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